Getting ready to add more States to Buddy's travel map!On the road again ..... and hopefully leaving behind these frigid temperatures!Our first night was at a Days Inn at Renfro Valley / Mt. Vernon, Kentucky.Right next to the motel was the Eldorado Mexican Restaurant!Our meal was delivered to the table by a robot!The Eldorado .... within walking distance of our motel!After that big meal, I hit the workout room!Buddy wanted to work off a few pounds too!All settled in for the night.And this is what we woke up to!Buddy thought he was done going to the bathroom in the snow for a while.A truck jack-knifed on the road, so we had to get off the freeway.On the back roads ....Second night in McDonough, Georgia.After that long drive, we deserved a good dinner -- breakfast at the Huddle House!It had warmed up considerably, so Buddy was thinking about doing some golfing.  ;-)Smack dab in the middle of the bed, as usual!We don't travel light!We made it to Florida!Photo op with Buddy in Florida.