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32 photos

These are photos of the grandchildren (and their families) of Louis (Richard) Clovis Vourron / Amanda Alice Shirk family of Stark and Cuyahoga Counies, Ohio, who were Larry's grandparents. We'll also add in any current photos of the Shirk / Vourron cousins.

Click on any photo to bring it up in a larger format. If you do that, you'll be able to read the narrative with each photo. Then you can use the arrows on the upper right-hand side to move through the photos.

Here's a link to older family photos:
Marie (Vourron) MurrayBrian and Greg MurrayChas and Greg MurrayThree Vourron cousins:  Larry, Dennis and DonBaptism of Elisabeth EsmondOhio Bob and DianaThe next generation ....Don, Dennis and Larry, circa 2003Cousin Don turns 80!Elizabeth Esmond and her grandfather's 80th birthday partyCousin Diane came from California for a visit, so we all had to get together!The Whole Gang!Cousin Diane, back for another visit!The boys, all dressed up for Dennis' wedding!Another cousin get-together!The boys on the golf course.They're not looking any older, are they?   :-)Cousin Don wanted no part of the Murray boys' shenanigans!Maeve Margaret Murray has arrived!We love getting together with the cousins!