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Photo Info

Dimensions600 x 485
Original file size36.9 KB
Image typeJPEG
Jeremiah and Maryann (Bradley) Fay.  Jeremiah was one of ten children born to Benejah and Ruth (Wilcox) Fay, Parma's First Settlers.

Jeremiah and Maryann (Bradley) Fay. Jeremiah was one of ten children born to Benejah and Ruth (Wilcox) Fay, Parma's First Settlers.

span class="large"This is a photo of Jeremiah Fay and his wife Maryann (Bradley) Fay at their homestead in Parma. The photo was taken in the late 1800s./spanbr/br/br/span class="large"Photo courtesy of the Cleveland Memory Project (The Parma, Ohio Collection), Cleveland State University Library/span