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During my travels over the years, I've taken quite a few photos. So I thought I would share some of interesting murals I've photographed.
FLORIDA:  Crystal RiverFLORIDA:  Greetings from SebringMAINE:  Rockland, Lobster Capital of the WorldMICHIGAN:  Welcome to Luna PierNEW YORK:  Dinosaur BBQ (Syracuse)NORTHERN IRELAND:  You Are Now Entering Free DerryNORTHERN IRELAND:  Nelson Mandela and Bobby Sands Mural, DerryOHIO:  Greetings from ClevelandOHIO:  Mural at Cleveland Hopkins AirportOHIO:  Greetings from Lorain, OhioOHIO:  Greetings from Lorain, OhioOHIO:  Lorain Script SignOHIO:  Lorain Script Sign in black and whiteOHIO:  Greetings from SanduskyOHIO:  Greetings from Vermilion, Ohio, on Lake ErieWEST VIRGINIA:  Pan Handle Coffee Mural, ParkersburgWYOMING, Dubois antler archwayWYOMING, Teton Village